
Monday, January 21, 2013

Faith Is...

Today is Martin Luther King Day and the 2nd inauguration of our President. It's a day of inspiration, hope and faith. It's a day to reflect and to look ahead.

I'm not a religious person. But that's not to say I do not have faith. There have been times in these last few years, I've had to rely on faith alone. It's the thing that's kept me going - especially in my darkest moments

Yesterday The Boy turned seven. Birthdays are always bittersweet.  While we celebrate another year, it's also a reminder. And with every year, the gap between typical and atypical grows wider. 

Every year, it's a little harder to see the whole staircase.

And I have to remember how far The Boy's come. I think of the milestones that keep me going on the days when I think I can't take another step.

I think of that Spring day almost five years ago when I first heard the words: your son has autism. At the time The Boy had no language, he couldn't point or clap or give me kiss. The staircase was impossible to see.

And then slowly, The Boy started to make progress and it became easier to take steps - even though I still couldn't see the whole staircase. I had faith.

I continue to have faith.

I don't know what the future holds for The Boy. I don't know even what the future holds for me. But I do know that The Boy will make progress. That while the gap between typical and atypical may not fully close, The Boy will continue to flourish. His language will continue to develop. He will become independent enough to manage his day to day needs. He will continue to teach me, surprise me and inspire me.

I don't need to see the whole staircase to know that. I don't even need to see a single step. I will continue to walk with The Boy hand in hand up the (at times, invisible) staircase until he is ready to take his first steps on his own. 

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.