
Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Survived NY Comic Con 2012

This was our very first New York Comic Con Convention. And it experience. I knew it would be crowded. 

But really, I had no clue. It was. INSANE.
It was so crazy in there I could not even tweet. I couldn't Instagram. There was no time for a quick FB status update. 

I never let go of The Boy's wrist while weaving our way through the aisles. My hand was sore by the time we left. That's how hard I was clutching onto him. The thought of losing him in that crowd...

(At one point, The Boy took off his name tag and threw it on the ground. Someone found it and called us. We were able to meet up with them to get it back. Nerds are so nice.)

The Boy had a good time. It was loud. He spent a lot of time covering his ears. But there were some things he liked. And that made The Husband feel good. And we picked up some cool things for Christmas. (We start early.) 

I am really disappointed I didn't get my picture taken with Adam West. But as much as I have a school girl crush on him, I could not justify paying $60 for his autograph and photo.  I'm nerdy but I have to draw the line somewhere. (And I'm cheap.)

The Husband was totally in his element and was snapping photos like a mad man. It's nice to see him with that geek twinkle in his eye.

I have a feeling Comic Con will be an annual outing for us.

Note to self: Next year, we're pulling him out of school and we'll go on Thursday or Friday when the crowds aren't as extreme.  
He wanted to take a picture with these guys. (They sort of freaked me out.)

I think this was his favorite!
My little scoundrel - this is the money shot right here. 
Was so proud of The Boy. He said "Oh hello there," with NO prompting.

You KNOW I had to buy this poster by Ex-Boyfriend Collection. I cannot wait to frame it and hang it up. It's perfect for us. Check them out, they have really cool stuff. 

Unknown Mami

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.