
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Review ~ An Early Start for Your Child with Autism

An Early Start for Your Child with Autism
written by: Sally J. Rogers, PhD, Geraldine Dawson, PhD and Laurie A. Vismara, PhD

The Gilford Press (June 2012)
Paperback 342 pages
also available as an e-book

"A remarkable achievement. Drs. Rogers and Dawson have succeeded in translating the latest and best scientific evidence into practical suggestions for improving your child's social and communication skills.  They write with clarity, insight and even humor.  This is a book you will prize highly." ~ Peter Szatmari, MD, author of a A Mind Apart: Understanding Children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome

When a parent hears the words, "Your child has autism," for the first time - one of their first instincts is to run to the closest book store and buy every book possible.  That was my first instinct. I wish An Early Start for your child with Autism was around when The Boy was first diagnosed.  

Written in clear and simple language, An Early Start for your child with Autism is a step by step guide for parents to promote critical social and emotional skills.  It's informative without being overwhelming. It addresses sensory, socialzation and speech. An Early Start for your child with Autism is filled with helpful tips, goals, activities and checklists for capturing attention, building interaction and encouraging communication.  

An Early Start for your child with Autism is a great book for parents of newly diagnosed children entering Early Intervention and even for parents of slightly older children. However, Drs. Rogers and Dawson don't want to turn parents into therapists. "Rather, these strategies are meant to be used during the normal routines that are part of your daily experience, like bath time, at the park, or while putting your child to bed."

I found the It's Playtime! chapter especially helpful. The activity checklist: Am I Teaching My Child to Play Flexibily and Independently? reminded me to rotate toys over time to sustain his interest.

An Early Start for Your Child with Autism is the book I would tell any parent of a recently diagnosed child to run out and get.  It's the kind of the book you'll read and return to again and again.

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.