
Friday, August 10, 2012

10 Things I Learned at #BlogHer12

I am still recovering from BlogHer.  I'm upset that I didn't take advantage of all the sessions, like the geek bars but I felt like everything was going on at once.  And quite honestly, I just wasn't prepared.  

But in my three days, I managed to learn a few things:
10.  So apparently, Bloggers like things that BUZZ.  The Buzz Booth always had a crowd gathered round and the ladies were giggling with girlish delight.      

9.  I learned how to belly dance!  I even got a little blue jingly scarf.  And you know who taught me?  Susan Senator.  Well, she didn't teach me specifically - it was part of the Health Minder Day. 

8. I wish I had more time to spend with the Special Needs Autism Mom Bloggers because they are pretty awesome.  There are too many to name but they know who they are.  

6. I do not feel comfortable accepting swag. Don't get me wrong, I came home with some but I I found the Expo Halls overwhelming and it took much energy to schmooze and pretend to be interested in products that I would most likely not blog about.      

5. There never seems to be enough food but there are always plenty of drinks.

4. There are some pretty incredible women writing blogs.  Hearing their stories, just makes me incredibly proud to be among such amazing woman. 

3. I really like Katie Couric.  Honestly, I never really got the hype about her.  But she was so genuine and funny. And when she said, "I'm going to block his ass," referring to a nasty twitter follower - I totally got the hype. I am so excited about her show. 

2. The average person donates $4.20 to a non profit organization.  And there are so many other ways a person can donate.  Let Soledad, Christy & Malaak tell you how ~ 

And the #1 thing I learned at #BlogHer12?  

I blog for the love of it.  But I'll tell you more about that next week.  

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.