In two days, I will be at the Annual BlogHer Conference and I'm sort of freaking out.
Technically BlogHer will be my third conference. Remember back in April I was invited to speak at Hispanicize and then in May I had the honor of being named one of the Top Blogueras and invited to The White House.
Don't get me wrong, I was nervous then too. But Hispanicize, I had to travel to Miami. It was my first big trip away from The Boy and I was speaking on a panel. That occupied most of my worry. And DC was a small group of about 70 women - many I met at Hispanicize.
But this is BlogHer! The mother of all blog conferences for women. Like thousands of women. Women from all over the world. Major bloggers, mega brands and powerhouse social media influencers and experts.
I mean check out the Keynote speakers: Martha Stewart (Oooohhh) Katie Couric (What?!), Soledad O'Brian (OMG!!!), Malaak Compton-Rock (YAY!) and Christy Turlington Burns (Whoa...)!
And in the same room as these women, will be me. Me? And there's this small part of me that feels like I'm crashing the party. Kinda like how Baby felt when she walked into the party with Billy and she meets Johnny for the first time. That will be me, walking into the Hilton feeling shy, slightly insecure, weighed down with a watermelon and wondering what the hell I've gotten myself into. (Okay, maybe not carrying an actual watermelon...)
I am nervous but also giddy with bloggy girl excitement!
There's Thursday - the Health Minder Day. I'll get to listen and learn from some pretty amazing ladies like, Ellen of Love That Max, Kristina Chew, Susan Senator and Laura Shumaker.
I'll get to meet (for the first time!) some of favorite Special Needs/Autism Mom bloggers. But I'll let Alysia tell you who since we're both excited about the same people.
I'll also be in my hometown of NYC. Which means, no hassle and expense of traveling or packing since the hotel is only a subway ride away. Also being in NYC adds to my comfort level of what to wear. I'm a pretty jaded New Yorker and as a former party girl - I never really worry if I'm over dressed or under dressed so long as I feel good in what I'm wearing.
I'm excited about the parties, meeting new people and networking.
I'm excited because I am doing something for me. I am investing in myself. And that in itself is worthy of celebration.
Come to think of it, maybe there's nothing to be freaking out about after all. Maybe three times really is the charm.
And maybe I'll have the time of my long as no one puts me in a corner. (Did you think I could post a Dirty Dancing photo without quoting those lines?)