
Friday, June 22, 2012

Resolutions, Anniversaries & Graduations

This week I cried many happy tears.

For the 2nd time this year, I had to file for an Impartial Hearing.  I filed the paperwork on my own and with no legal representation.  And on Tuesday The Husband and I met with a person from the school district for a resolution meeting.  

I know some folks will say we got what we wanted.  It's never been about getting what we want.  It's been getting what The Boy NEEDS.  

You know that saying "The squeaky wheel gets the oil"?  That's what I've heard ever since The Boy was diagnosed with autism and I had to advocate to make sure his needs were met.

I'm totally okay with being the squeaky wheel if it means, The Boy gets what he needs.  I mean, "Squeaky" was my high school nickname.  

And because I've been squeaking all year long, The Boy will be starting a new school in July.    It has been a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.   And I am extremely grateful to the man who helped lift that weight.

The Husband and I celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday.  I wanted to write a whole post about that...but it will have to wait.  We didn't exchange cards or gifts - I think we've both been preoccupied with all the crazy of this week.  

On Thursday The Husband attended an award ceremony at The Boy's school.  I couldn't go because I had to work.  But I was super proud that The Boy got an award in Technology.  I'm not surprised -  I mean, did you read yesterday's post?  But it was nice to see that his computer teacher recognized how hard he's worked this year.

This morning The Boy graduated kindergarten.  It's been such a long, difficult year.  For the both of us.  And it was difficult to sit through the graduation for many reasons.  And of course I cried.  Again, for many different reasons.  I'll post graduation pics next week.  

And now - I'm ready for the weekend.  I think we'll take a drive out to Connecticut - to the aquarium or the children's museum.  

What are your plans for the weekend?  

Mommy's Idea

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.