
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Red Tape Everywhere I Go

I spent most of my morning running back and forth.  Usually, my running back and forth has to do with The Boy.  Today - I was doing something for myself.  Trying to register for next semester.  I have only 4 classes left (including my thesis) and I'll have my MFA in Creative Writing.  I need to finish.  

But wasn't that easy. 

I get to the English Department and it hits me.  I took the semester off -  I will need to re-admit.  Readmission involves paperwork - my favorite thing in the whole world.

And so I explain my situation to the powers that be in the English department.  I will need to fill out a form.  Take it to Admissions and then I can register.  
side note: I know, in this day and age, I still need to register in person.
I fill out my registration forms.  And then I walk across campus to the admissions office.  I thought I was slick - I had the form filled out.  But it wasn't that easy.  

I get to the admissions office - engage in friendly banter with the woman behind the counter.  And then she says that I need to get that form signed by the dean.  She tells me the office I need to go to.  The office is in the building that I just came from. 

I go back across campus - slightly annoyed - and find the office to have my form signed. 

The girl at that counter tells me I need to go to the 5th floor.  

I get to the 5th floor and sit down in the dean's office.  All ready to have my form signed and be on my way.

The Dean: When were you in school last?  

Me: December.  2011.

The Dean: (punches in my social)  The last time you were here was in 2003. 
side note: I am pretty sure I know the difference between 2003 and 2011.
After I assure The Dean that my last semester was in 2011 and tell her that I am a graduate student.  What do you think she said?

You guessed it!  Go to another office. 

Finally!  With the form signed, I go back across campus to the admissions office.  And now, there's a line.  (of course)  When I get to the counter, the girl tells me that I need to write a 25 - 50 statement why I was out for the semester. 


So I go over to bench and scribble out my sob story.  
I have a 6 year old son with autism.  I work full time.  I am tired.  And my son is having a difficult time transitioning to kindergarten and he needs me home.  (I wrote some other stuff but I can't write that here.)
And THEN I handed in my form.  And I should be able to register in the next 24 - 48 hours.

So what did I learn today?

There's bullshit and red tape everywhere.

But seeing this on the bulletin board at school made the tangle of red tape all worth it.  

YAY! That's ME :)

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.