Truth is - I didn't even play. Not even in the office pool.
I never play lotto. I don't buy scratch offs. I don't like to make bets. And I hate casinos. Now I'm a gal of quite a few vices. Gambling just isn't one of them.
I never play lotto. I don't buy scratch offs. I don't like to make bets. And I hate casinos. Now I'm a gal of quite a few vices. Gambling just isn't one of them.
Which is a shame, considering everything that's going on with The Boy.
Lately, I've been feeling like the stakes are at an all time high. And my poker face could use some work.
I don't know why, but the month of April seems promising. It's also Autism Awareness Month and there are so many wonderful events taking place this month. I'm guest posting on some amazing websites this month. I am speaking on a panel at the Hispanicize conference in 11 days - in MIAMI! I'm speaking on another panel in NYC later this month. I have a few great book reviews in draft and even an interview with a warrior mom/fabulous plus size model. They are all good distractions.
And today - the first day of April has been a productive day. With all of my March Madness I've neglected my little home. Only doing the barest of bare minimum. But today I cleaned, uncluttered, went food shopping, cooked, did laundry, ironed (!!!!!), put clothes away and looky here - now I'm writing a post.
Looking around, I have a sense of satisfaction of accomplishment. Because I know my hard work today, will pay off.
That is what I want for The Boy. March was a month of time consuming work. A month of running back and forth. I want it to pay off. I hope I haven't gambled it all away. We cannot afford to lose everything.
Unlike the 3 lucky winner of the mega million I will resume my life on Monday. I will go into the office; my bread and butter work and get busy. I don't really want to. But I'm not a gambler. I just need to keep believing that hard work pays off.
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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.