
Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Gone & I Have No Idea How To Get It Back (or what the hell happened to

Just a quick update...  The problem has been resolved (whew...that was close wasn't it?)  All thanks to my good friend Rich!  I did lose the original comments on this post.  Hoping to get them back.  But if not thank you for your words of support!  And a special thank you to all of my blogging buddies especially: Yuji Leslie & Chantilly.

And in case you missed all the drama, read below. 

(Warning - there be an F-bomb or other choice words dropped because I'm just that frustrated)

So yesterday you may have tried to get to some posts and when you typed in you saw a perky girl in a backpack.  Obviously not me.  Not my blog.  

Apparantly my custom domain name expired.  

I didn't realize this until later in the day.  

For a few hours, I thought I lost everything.  ALL of my blog content - more than a year of writing.

I cried about this in the bathroom at work.  

And I panicked.  

UNTIL I realized I could still log in to blogger and was able to view all of content.  (Don't sigh with relief just yet.)

In my haste and panic I clicked a button & reverted back to address.  And my blog was back up.  (Don't sigh with relief - there's more.)

I tried to repurchase my custom domain name.  But I couldn't.  It's already taken.  (Um, yeah.  By me.)

With the help of some of my favorite bloggers, I was able to figure out I needed to renew my custom domain name.  And I was able to.  I paid the measly renewal fee and have access to custom domain name for another year.  (DON'T sigh with relief.  There's more.)

I CAN'T SWITCH BACK!   I can't switch back to the domain name I already own.  Or maybe I don't know how.  

I am NOT tech savvy. AT ALL.  I mean, I still don't know how to turn on my radio because it's connected to all our other home theater equipment.  The fact that I was able to do as much as I did here on this blog still amazes me.  

And now its gone.  And I feel like everything I worked so hard on this last year went to shit.

Why does this fucking suck?
(The difference between and

  • All of my links are now broken.  ALL OF THEM.  
    • If you're a blogger and you linked to - the link is broken.  
    • ALL of my links to back posts within my posts/pages.  Are broken.
    • If you were kind enough to write a guest post or interview and referred to it on your blog - that link is broken.
  • I was recently listed as a resource in an autism magazine.  If someone types in that website address.  They will never find it.  
  • If you google autismwonderland.  The .com will come up and you'll get an error message.  
  • All your wonderful comments, likes, FB shares & tweets - public proof that people actually read this blog & found it useful - they are all gone too.
  • I've lost all the blogs I've followed in the last year.     
  • All of business cards have the address - they may be useless if I can't fix this. 
  • And my logo & header say .com - that will need to be changed too.  And even though my brother did the artwork...that's a whole other can of worms.  
  • My cute little buttons  of my logo and my blog meme that I started - those codes will need to be adjusted.   

So you see...why this is just shitty.   It took me so long to get this place.  And it's gone.  I have no fucking idea how to get it back.  

And if I can't get it back to my domain name quickly - it will take a LOT of work and time and effort to make sure, all the links on this page are directed to the right place.  

If you have a clue, will you let me know?

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.