
Friday, December 23, 2011

Must Have Coffee [Friday Fragments]

I know it's Saturday morning.  Very early Saturday morning - 5:54 am, to be exact.  I haven't even had a sip of coffee.  BUT, I have put a 10 lb pernil in the oven and started a batch of cocoquito.  

Coquito is a Puerto Rican version of egg nog - only much much better.  It's creamy and  coconutty and can have quite a kick.  But it's a pain to make and I'm not even chopping a real coconut.  In the end, it's worth it. 

I suppose I should have taken a picture of these but I can only do so much before my first cup of coffee.

And don't you know - I finally just went to pour myself a cup of coffee and realized I'm out of cream...


On mornings when I wake up at 6 am and The Boy's room looks like this (because The Boy was up and playing at 5)

I wonder why I bought more Legos, more books, more trains for Christmas.  

Especially when The Boy's birthday is next month.

And even though it's the eve before the Christmas Eve - it still doesn't really feel like Christmas. 

The tree is up, The Boy's presents are waiting to be wrapped.  (Yes, still waiting.  I know.)

I have my pernil in the fridge oven seasoned with garlic and salt, oil and vinegar, a few pinches of oregano and pepper. 

I have opened the cans of evaporated milk, condensed milk, coconut milk and creme of coconut stacked on my counter.  It's already waiting to be blended together with Bacardi & sprinkled with cinnamon.

And I even saw The Boy perform at his very first Christmas recital.  He sang!  The Boy actually sang.  With three other classes!  In front of other grades and parents and teachers in an auditorium!  He clapped when he was supposed and did everything the other kids were doing.

I hate when I underestimate him.  I was so nervous it would be a repeat of this day.  And it wasn't!  The Boy did good.  (He only cried when I left...and that made me feel guilty and sort of crappy.)

And for 5 whole minutes, I was like every other mom in the room.  Not a special needs mom, just a mom - watching their child perform.

At the end, when all crazy proud parents swarmed in the children to take pictures, The Boy actually smiled and wasn't phased in the least. 

Holiday 12/2011
But still doesn't feel like Christmas.     

Maybe it's because it's been in the 50s for the last few days.  And I'm still stomping the streets in ballet flats and a light jacket.  I think I've worn a hat once - maybe twice - so far.

It's colder this morning - Christmas biting cold.  And I'm not thrilled about going outside to buy cream but I just can't go through the motions of this crazy day without it.  

Play along! Don't know how?  
Check out Mrs. 4444
for more Friday Fragments.
Mommy's Idea

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.