
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hey It's Okay Tuesday

It's Tuesday and my first day back to the office after a 4 day weekend.  

And The Boy is back to school too after more than a week off.

I'm actually looking forward to going back to work and returning to our normal.  Even still - getting back into a routine after the holidays isn't easy.

But hey, it's okay if

I hit snooze a few times.  Gotta ease back into the morning routine slowly; I haven't set my alarm in more than a week.  

I do not have time to iron The Boy's school shirt (because I hit snooze a few times).  It's okay, I tell myself.  The creases will wear out.  Or his coat will just wrinkle up an ironed shirt anyway. 

I stare at my Christmas tree and just want to toss it out. Lights and all.  

I do the happy dance after I shove lovingly guide The Boy onto the school bus.  The Boy does so much better when on a rigid schedule.    

My pants feel a little tight this morning and I have to change from my sleek black slacks into leggings because the waist band is elastic.   Note to self: flan and coquito are nowhere near low cal.  

I don't want to see another plate of pernil and arroz con  gandules (also foods that are nowhere near low cal) until Easter.

I'm a teensy bit late to work this morning.  Chances are I won't be the only one. 

I'm still slightly hung over from New Years Eve/Day.  Again, I doubt I'll be the only one.

If I do not want to wish every single person I come across this week a "Happy New Year."  After a while, it just gets old.  Don't you think? 

*Post inspired by the Whispering Writer
Go on over and see what else is Okay on Tuesday :)

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.