"All I want is what I... I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share."
~ Sally Brown
Dear Santa,
It's been a while. The last time I wrote to you, I asked for a Holly Hobbie Easy Bake Oven.
Which, I actually got. Thanks :)
But now I'm an adult and I'll be damned if I'm going to ask for something like an oven...someone may expect me to use it.
Anyway - now that I know you make good on your word. I thought I'd put together a little list. Just in case you're wondering what a busy working mom wants. I've given this list great consideration. These aren't your run of the mill items like a pair of slippers or earrings. These can't be found at your local Lord & Taylor or Target. These are custom made gifts that only Santa Claus can provide.
- The perfect pair of jeans: Kind of like those Traveling Pants jeans but they are just for me. Dark denim, only. 3 pairs: skinny, modern trouser & bootcut - I like variety. I want jeans that are perfect; they will always fit, even after a weekend of eating cake and fried chicken. I can go out to eat in them and not need to unbutton after I'm done with my meal. AND - I want them right at the waist - I am too old to do crack. Especially while at the playground. (bonus: If I can wear my highest heels or flattest flats - the length will always be right.)
- Speaking of high heels: I want a pair of sexy high heel shoes and/or boots that I can parade around all day long in and still dance in all night (because you know, I go out dancing all the time). And I want them to feel as warm and cozy comfortable as a pair of Uggs. No color preference. Surprise me!
- A Magic Washer/Dryer: The washer will be able to wash all different clothes at once without any damage. All stains come out - without some kind of extra spray. And I want a dryer that dries clothes without a single wrinkle. Collars - no problem? Pant pleats - of course. A pleated skirt - that's the specialty! And wouldn't it be fantastic, if all the socks came out perfectly matched.
- My Waist: From 1999 - I was 24. I don't think further explanation is necessary. Though, I guess, I could work on this myself if I absolutely had to.
- No Maintenance Eyebrows: I've been plucking, waxing, tweezing those bad boys for almost 2 decades - I'm tired. I just want thick, clean, perfectly arched brows with absolutely no maintenance. No wax, no tweezers, no brow powder to fill in the gaps.
- An Answered Question: I want to come home from work and ask The Boy about his day. And I'd like him to answer. This is the one thing that seems the most attainable. I know this will eventually happen, I'm just not sure when. I'm not sure if you could help out with this - but it's worth a shot. I wouldn't need anything else ever if you could make this happen sooner rather than later.
I realize some of things may be out of the realm of possibility - especially the first 3. So if any of these items puzzle you - ask Mrs. Claus. I am sure she'll know what to do.
Thanks Big Guy...
Your Friend for Life,