
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Falling Back. Moving Forward.

Last night we turned back the clocks.  And I have to say, Daylight Savings,  is one of my favorite days of the year.  I always feel like I get so much more done.  I always feel an extra boost of energy.  And I spend my day thinking "Oh it's 1 o'clock, but it's really 2 o'clock."  The Boy let me sleep in until 8:30 am!  (Really 9:30 am) 

For me, falling back an hour makes a huge difference.  I feel like I'm getting something for nothing. 

Anyway...The Boy had a play date with his favorite Little Lady at Van Cortlandt Park.  Little Lady is about a year younger than The Boy.  And she is one of the few children that The Boy connects with.  At one point, Little Lady had run off and The Boy yelled out to her.  "Come here, let's go down the slide."  And those little moments, give me such joy.  

The Boy &  Little Lady

Running after Little Lady

When The Boy wasn't running after Little Lady, he was actually riding his scooter.  We've had this scooter for almost two years and he's never really gotten the concept of it.  Today was the first time he was able to do it! He was really trying, looking down at his feet.  Remembering to put on foot down, pushing himself and balancing.  It may not seem like a big deal to most parents, but trust me when I say - It's a BIG DEAL!   

Today may have been a day of falling back.  But The Boy is definitely moving forward. 


What's a Sunday like in your City?  Unknown Mami wants to know!  Go on over to Sundays In My City.  

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.