
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baby Steps to Building a Dream School

Ever since writing my post on Building a Dream School I have been amazed by all the support I've gotten.  And when HE sent me an email - that's when I really knew, people are actually reading.  And not only reading but interested in this project.  I mean, I know you all are in support.  We're old friends by now.  But other wonderful folks have sent me emails with encouraging words, asking what they can do to help, telling me about what works in their schools.

And it makes me feel like - okay, we really can do this.

The week after I wrote my post on Building a Dream School there happened to be a webinar - Charter School 101.  Talk about fate!  And other cool stuff like that has been happening.  I've been meeting people in the special education field.  A really close friend is working with some education groups in the City.  And slowly, I'm building this network of people who could help make the Dream School a reality.

Anyway, last night, I went to visit my very good friend, Michelle, who has experience setting up a non profit.  And we started filling out the paperwork!              

some of the paperwork/research materials

the Certificate

We're still not finished.  Just a few more details before the certification can be signed, sealed and delivered.

I realize that I am on a long road, that every step is a baby step.  A school can't be built in a day.  But I'm moving forward, whether this takes 1 year or  10 - I know that this will really happen.  

Another thing I've learned about this process is that it's time consuming and it costs money.  There are filing fees to consider, forms to fill out, a bank account to open, a budget to create...

I would love to be able to bankroll this whole project myself.  But the reality is - I can't.  And I would hate to see this project fall to the waste side because I cannot afford to start the initial process. 

If you would like to contribute to this, please click on the donate button.  

Every dollar makes a difference.              

Thank you!  

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.