
Friday, August 26, 2011

Keep Calm & Carry On (I needed a reminder)

Whenever The Boy starts running back and forth, flapping his hands, flailing his arms and mumbling in his high pitched voice - I know he's nervous, stressed, excited, flustered.  I take him by the arms, bend down so we're at eye level and say:  "What do you need to do?"

The Boy will look me in the eye for a quick moment.  "Calm down."

And then I give him a piece of gum and/or an activity (play dough or let him jump on the bosu) I know will get him refocused.  

Well this week, I'm stressed out over kindergarten (surprise, surprise). With every day that passes, it just gets worse.  More than once this week, I've had to stop and count to ten backwards.  I've had to press my hand against my chest and remind myself to breathe in our breathe out.  I've had to close my eyes and remind myself to take these next few weeks, 10 minutes at a time - because 1 day at a time is just too much right now.  Even still, I've stressed myself into 2 big puss pimples.  (Sorry if this creates a gross visual.)  And then last night I stressed out about it in a FB status update:  

With only 13 days left until this kid starts kindergarten, I'm starting to panic. Stressing myself into a pimple (2 big ones actually). And then watching some of the neighborhood kids go off to college. I couldn't help but wonder, if we'll see that day. Then I smacked myself silly - let's just get through kindergarten.
I didn't really smack myself silly.  Though I'm sure I needed it.  Instead, some wonderful women helped me calm down:

~ K will bring good changes to your world, we lived through that stress and came out the other side smiling, stay involved and true to yourself, your voice will be the most important tool, listen to your gut, you will find you are advocating for those whose (parents included) who mightn't be strong enough to be heard on their own.

~ Stop future trippin'

~ Whatcha panicking about? He can "read" your feelings. So chill. If you stay cool, he'll get that vibe. Nothing to panic about...he's going to be fine. There WILL be bad days, REALLY bad days, and you know this...but there's gonna be good ones, GREAT ones too. Has he visited the school? Met his teacher? Did you write a note about what to expect of him? You're happy with your choice right? Now go with it.
~ We were lucky...our journey to Kindergarten happened so quickly (we put our oldest into a year round program, that had already started) so our plan to have 1 more month last year ended abruptly. This turned out to be good for both the kid and me. Enjoy this. Don't fret it.

Next week will be dedicated to 
Prepping for Kindergarten 
(my activity to keep me refocused) 

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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.