
Friday, March 25, 2011

Awesome Autism Quotes: Inspiration, Humor & Reflections by Margaret "Pegi" Price (book review)

Awesome Autism Quotes: Inspiration, Humor & Reflections [Kindle edition].  Margaret "Pegi" Price

"What does not kill me, makes me stronger." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

This is only 1 of the 135 quotes, in Margaret "Pegi" Price's book, Awesome Autism Quotes: Inspiration, Humor & Reflections.  Price has collected beautiful thought provoking quotes from William Shakespeare, Buddha, Abraham Lincoln, Friedrich Nietzsche, Mark Twain, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens and Franz Kafka. After each quote, Price writes how it can be applied to autism.  Price also leaves space for the reader to insert their own personal reflections or experiences. 

I can personally say that reading this book has provided all of the above, especially now during our Turning 5 process.  It's definitely a book I suggest all parents read. Price allows you to experience all feelings: fear, anger, love, hope.  She recognizes that we all have good days and bad days.  "If you have tears, prepare to share them now."  William Shakespeare.  Price understands that sometimes we need to cry,  that we "don't have to always be strong."  But she also urges the reader not to be consumed with anger, depression, envy. "This is a world of action, and not for moping and droning in." ~ Charles Dickens. 

The quotes Price has selected will provide even the seasoned parent new insight into the world of autism. 
While her reflections following the quotes provide comfort to the parent who has recently heard the words: your child has autism.  Acceptance and understanding of autism, doesn't happen over night; it's a process - a journey.  And the quotes within Price's book, explores every emotion of that journey. It's a book to return to, again and again. 
Price knows first hand how powerful inspiration can be and how much it is needed.  Price says, "I would get inspiration from books and literature, by holding onto a quotation and making it my mantra that day...[the quotes] helped me get through some of the roughest times."    

Price's son, Sam, was diagnosed at three years old.  The pediatric neurologist that initially diagnosed Sam, offered no hope, suggesting that Price institutionalize her son and "forget about him." Refusing to give up on her son, Price found another doctor who was more supportive of their needs.  At eight years old Sam went from functionally non-verbal to talking in paragraphs.  Currently, he is in high school and thriving.

Price also has her own legal practice, The Price Law Firm.  A divorce attorney with more than 20 years experience, Price's practice specializes in cases with special needs children.  She has written The Special Needs Child and Divorce, A Guide to Evaluating and Handling Cases and Divorce and the Special Needs Child, A Guide for Parents.

Awesome Autism Quotes: Inspiration, Humor & Reflections is written for anyone whose lives are touched by autism.  Prices says she wrote the book to "provide inspiration through difficult times, empowerment during the times when we don't feel so strong, wisdom when we need answers, humor when we need to laugh, gratitude at all times, and peace in the face of chaos."

As a Kindle book, it's extremely convenient.  However, you don't need a Kindle to read the book - it may be downloaded on your PC, Mac, Blackberry, iPhone or iPad.  Providing inspriration everywhere, anywhere, whenever you need it. 

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