
Monday, January 10, 2011

A Very Merry UnBirthday

The Boy will be 5 in a few weeks. I keep telling him his birthday is coming but it's a concept he can't yet understand.

Another year without a birthday party. No rented venue or an apartment full of kids and their parents. No magician or clown or pinata. No pin the tale on the donkey or musical chairs.

We threw The Boy a party for this 3rd birthday.  In our apartment, with friends and family. But he was overwhelmed, over stimulated and not interested in the crowd of kids in his room.  The Boy is great one on one.  A room full of kids - whether he likes them or not, is extremely difficult for him.  His birthday should be enjoyable - not stressful and definitely not an ABA session in socialization.

Usually I try not to let this make me feel bad.  But since The Husband just said it made him feel bad. Now, I feel bad. Still, a birthday party is out of the question.

Since we're in the midst of the "Turning 5" process. I'm trying to think of something special to do with The Boy that won't break the bank.

Yeah - I'll go to school on The Boy's birthday with cupcakes and party bags for the children in his class.  Blah blah blah.  I want to do something special.  Go someplace he's never been. Someplace that he will remember. A place that when we look back at the pictures, we can say "that was a great birthday."

I'm thinking of the Gazillion Bubble Show  but then I heard they have strobe lights. And that makes me hesitant.  One bad birthday party and a horrendous Backyardigan's LIVE! show have made me suspect of strobe lights and children's performance shows. Both incidents occurred 2 years ago. Should I take a chance that he'll be okay?  That he'll like it. I have a few more days to think about it.


  1. Thanks for following The Blog Entourage! I'm following you back!

  2. If Norin likes bubbles its a great show, very small theater not to many people. Strobe lights are few not to intense or over stimulating. Let me know how it goes if you decide to take him. oxox Lis

  3. I'm wrestling with the same issues. Both my kids' birthdays are this month and my husband and I decided not to try for a party this year. I feel bad 'cause I don't want to "skip celebrating" their birthdays, but what can I do when my son has social anxiety and my daughter always has her hands over her ears? This is just what us "special moms" have to deal with, like it or not.

  4. Thank you for coming by Mama's Little Chick. I am following you back. Make sure to add your blog to the In the Nestwork page on Mama's Little Nestwork. I think that celebrating somewhere nice would be a great idea. Maybe you can have balloons waiting when he wakes up and some more special things throughout the day! Have a good night!

    Mama Hen

  5. Thank you all so much for your comments! I think I'm going to pass on the Bubble Show - I'll wait just a little bit longer.

    @ Margie - Yup, it's sure tough for us. Throwing birthday parties, going to birthday parties. Just extremely stressful social situations for them and US! We just need to think more creatively to make it special :)

    @ Mama Hen - YES! Added my blog to the Nestwork page :) Thank you for that idea. That sounds great!

  6. I've never heard of that show. Is there an Austism forum where other moms could offer advice?
    That mat help.

  7. Hi, I am going thru the same dilemna Donovan is turning 5 in March. I was thinking of taking him to paint your own pottery in scarsdale. He likes to color and paint and I thought this would be a cool idea.


AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.