
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Through the Looking Glass [TTLG] Series: Introduction

AutismWonderland is Looking for Contributing Writers 

“If you’ve met one child with autism, well, you’ve met one child with autism”
~ Linda Brandenburg

While I may live in my own private Wonderland, I often feel like I'm watching the world through a looking glass. Especially when meeting other families living with Autism. I have had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing and dedicated parents. We've exchanged Early Intervention, CPSE and Board of Education war stories. We've passed the time in therapy waiting rooms laughing over stimulating behaviors or quirks - because sometimes, you just have to laugh. Sometimes, we whisper our initial reaction and fears after the diagnosis. And the stories I've heard are all unique, no child with Autism is the same. 

The Through the Looking Glass series will feature blog posts written by parents, relatives, siblings, service providers, special education teachers and therapists of children/adults with Autism.        

If you would like to be considered, please email me at with your name, connection to Autism, contact information and a writing sample or link to writing sample.

Please allow 5 to 10 days for review. Once accepted, you may write on any topic  - as long as it relates to Autism.  Word count: 500 - 650 words. 

1 comment:

AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.